Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Google Ads Pay-Per-Click Campaign Management

Imagine dominating local Search Engine Result Pages without using expensive pay per click campaigns.

Our Experience

Our Marketing PPC campaign management professionals are Google Certified in PPC/Search Advertising campaigns. We know how to create and optimize campaigns for success. 

Historical Audit

Our team will use historical data to achieve better results using a thorough audit of your PPC campaign. Many times we find a large percentage of the budget has been wasted on negative keywords and other problems. We’ll review the campaign structure, evaluate the current keywords, write compelling ads and help you launch a campaign that delivers quality results. Our campaign Click-Through Rates are routinely above national averages. Our team will work with you to determine the best strategy to increase conversions. Plus, we are also monitoring your PPC campaign for new opportunities for improvement. Whether it’s giving your current PPC campaigns a facelift or creating a new campaign, we’re ready to help you reach your marketing goals. 

Client Communication & Education

We know and understand your specific business goals and will guide you on the best way to achieve your goals and maximize your ROI. 

Campaign Reporting | Full Transparency

We provide clients with detailed reports including the shared keywords consumers are searching to trigger PPC text ads, plus location reports showing how many clicks you received from your primary target market. Google Ads reporting includes: Total Impressions, Average Click-Through Rate, Average Cost Per Click (CPC) and Conversion Data. 

Ready to improve the ROI of your marketing dollars?

Your Google Ads PPC budget and marketing dollars are a precious commodity that needs to be allocated to managed and optimized PPC campaigns that will deliver the largest return on investment. One time PPC campaign set up fee is $299.  Marketing Monthly PPC Management Fee= 25% of monthly budget spent. Contact us to find out more information about how we can help you reach your target market.